It is very iomportant for rearing goat. There are many diseases which can affect our goats.We face all the times a threaten during goat rearing. PPR is the most important disease of goat. In every year most of the goats especially kids are died for PPR. It is a highly …
বিস্তারিত »Dog rearing
The dog breeds available in Bangladesh 1. German Shephard 2. Labrader 3. Alsetian 4. English Bull dog 5. Bull mastiff 6. Tibetan spaniel 7. American pittbull 8. Cavaliar king Charles spaniels 9. Dobermann 10. Boxer 11. German spitz 12. Golden retriever 13. Isha 14. Maltese 15. PUG 16. Russian Samoyed …
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