The liver is the central laboratory of a chicken’s body. It is essential that this organ is kept in an excellent condition in order to maintain a healthy bird. Understanding the metabolic function and causes of disruptions in liver functions helps us to provide the birds with the right feed …
বিস্তারিত »What is in a Phosphorous source?
Phosphorous is the essential element involved in energy and nutrient metabolism. The deficiency of this mineral negatively affects animal performance, fertility and bone mineralization. Importance and supplementation of Phosphorous Phosphorous plays an important role in metabolic processes and has more physiological functions such as maintenance of skeletal tissue, growth, appetite …
বিস্তারিত »হাসের ভাইরাসজনিত রোগঃ কারন ও প্রতিকার
গৃহপালিত পাখির মধ্যে হাঁস অন্যতম অর্থকরী সম্পদ। বাংলাদেশসহ বিশ্বের বিভিন্ন দেশে কোটি কোটি হাঁস প্রতিপালিত হচ্ছে। একটা কথা প্রচলিত আছে যে, হাসেঁ রোগ কম হয়। এটা সত্য নয়। হাঁসে বহুপ্রকার রোগ হয় তবে মুরগির তুলনায় কম হয়। সংক্রামক রোগের মধ্যে প্রধানত ভাইরাসজনিত রোগই বেশি উলেস্নখযোগ্য। ভাইরাসজনিত রোগ যেমন ডাক ডাক …
বিস্তারিত »Babesiosis & Theileriosis: Field Veterinarian Baffle
Our national herd comprises of 244 lac cattle, 12 lac buffalo, 200 lac goat and almost 30 lac sheep. In Bangladesh the overall prevalence of hemoprotozoan diseases is 16.18% and 12.02% in crossbred and indigenous cattle, respectively where babesiosis & anaplasmosis are predominant. In fact, Babesiosis and Theileriosis are the …
বিস্তারিত »A project plan for 1000 Commercial Layer Birds
The planning based on cost involved as well as return. Two types of costs are involved A) Fixed Cost B) Recurrent cost A) Fixed cost involves with the following: a) Land: We assume that we have land. b) Buildings: i) Layer shed: 2.5 sq.ft per bird is required. Per …
বিস্তারিত »A project Plan for a Commercial Dairy Farm of 100 cows Dairy Herd
A project Plan for a Commercial Dairy Farm of 100 cows Dairy Herd During Establishment of a Farm: Composition of a 100 cows dairy herd: 60-65 numbers of Cows in Milk and 35-40 numbers of Dry Cows. During 1st year of farming : Male Calves under 1 year 31 Female calves …
বিস্তারিত »Parvovirus infection in dogs
CAUSE It is caused by a virus belonging to family parvo-viridae. It affects puppies much more frequently that adult dogs. At present this is most severe disease currently affecting the dog population. The virus grow rapidly dividing cells. The intestinal lining has the biggest concentration of rapidly dividing cells in …
বিস্তারিত »Fleas and Ticks in Dog
Fleas and ticks cause skin irritation and allergies which leads to anaemia and other diseases in house pets. What are fleas? Fleas are small, black insects about 2mm in length. They live in the bedding and coats of dogs and cats and feed on their blood. How can I tell …
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