Tag Archives: Genomic Medicine

e-Veterinary: Role of Webvets in Genomed

Genomed basically would provide reproductive services where AI (and some cases ET) is the main product and service. Genomed will utilize foreign semen and embryo to do selective breeding to eligible cows (as per govt. breeding policy). This service is completely supervised by veterinarians but not by any others. Realistically, …

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e-Veterinary: Genomed is hiring Director of Sales, Marketing and Communication

Genomed Limited a private organization, unique of its kind,  promised to provide genomic and productivity veterinary services to livestock producers.  Genomed is  promised to provide high quality veterinary health and genetic products and services through e-Vet Clinic and e-Pharmacy.  We are currently looking for a Director of Sales, Marketing and Communication. …

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e-Veterinary: Genomed is now hiring veterinarians (Webvets)

Genomed Limited is a newly formed, unique of its kind, private organization to provide genomic and productivity veterinary services to livestock producers. Genomed is promised to provide high quality veterinary health and genetic products and services through e-Vet Clinic and e-Pharmacy. Positions for veterinarians (Webvets) are now open to fill. …

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e-Veterinay: GenoMed নিয়ে এলো Genomic and Productivity Medicine

GenoMed Ltd  বাংলাদেশে e-Veterinary সেবা কার্যক্রম শুরু করেছে।  It is established by the veterinarians, for the veterinarians. GenoMed এর সেবা কার্যক্রম মূলত তিনটি অংশে বিভক্তঃ 1) Web Clinics, 2) Productivity Medicine এবং 3) Reproductive Biotechnology (AI and ET)।  Web Clinics মুলত e-Vet Clinic ও e-Pharmacy এর মাধ্যমে Veterinary সেবাসমুহ online …

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