কাজী এগ্রো লিঃ এর ভেটেরিনারি প্রোডাক্ট লিস্ট

Kazi Agro Ltd.বিভিন্ন সময় আমাদের বিভিন্ন কোম্পানির ভেটেরিনারি প্রোডাক্ট লিস্ট প্রয়োজন হয়। ভেটসবিডিতে আপনারা ইতিপূর্বে বিভিন্ন কোম্পানির প্রোডাক্ট লিস্ট পেয়েছেন, যেমন:

  1. আরিফস্‌ (বাংলাদেশ),
  2. আলমদীনা,
  3. ইন্টারভেট,
  4. একমি ল্যাবঃ লিঃ,
  5. উইল্টস্‌ মার্কেটিং কোং লিঃ,
  6. নোভারটিস,
  7. রেনাটা লিঃ এবং
  8. স্কয়ার ফা. লিঃ-এর।

এরই ধারাবাহিকতায় আজ থাকছে কাজী এগ্রো লিঃ এর প্রোডাক্ট লিস্ট


LEX AD3E Each ml. contains: Vitamin A 100000 IU Vitamin D3 40000 IU Vitamin E 40 mg
Vitamin B12 40 mcg
  • Retarded growth
  • Low egg production
  • Low hatchability
  • Poor fertility
  • Poor formation of egg shell
  • Moulting
  • Disease & frequent parasitic infections
  • Nutritional encephalomalacial indications
  • Osteomalacial indications
  • Rickets
  • Rough hair coat
  • Convalescence
100m1, 500 ml
1 Ltr.
Chicks :
5m1 / 100 chicks / day Growers :
10 ml / 100 birds / day Layers :
20 ml / 100 birds / day Broilers :
10 ml / 100 birds / day
Each 5m1 contains:
Tephrosia Purpurea 400 mgs
Eclipta Alba 200 mgs
Phylanthus Niruri 200 mgs
Andrographis Paniculata 100 mgs
Terminalia Chebula 100 mgs
Ocimum Sanctum 100 mgs
  • Stimulates liver functions
  • Corrects liver dysfunctions
  • Optimises liver activity under conditions of cirrhosis of liver and aflatoxicosis
  • Improve efficiency of digestion and feed conversion
  • Production enhancer
  • Growth promoter.
500 ml
1 Ltr.
Poultry Per 100 birds: Chicks/Growers/
Broilers : 5 ml
Layers :10 ml
Live Stock : 5-10m1
IMBOOST Each 5ml contains:
Glycine 50 mg
Selenium 2.5 mg
Vitamin E 15 mg
Vitamin C 15 mg
Sodium Chloride 6.25 mg
Potassium Chloride 10 mg
Manganese Sulphate 2.5 mg
Zinc Sulphate 3.5 mg
Yeast extract 15 mg
Amino Nitrogen 10000 ppm
in a base fortified with
• To reduce incidence of diseases
• To reduce vaccination failures
• To simulate growth & production
• To build up general resistance
• To reduce stress.
500 ml
1 Ltr.
Broilers : 10 ml for 100 birds Layers : 5-7 ml for 100 birds Horses :10-20 ml / Head Calves : 10-20 ml / Head Dogs : 3-10 ml / Head
or as prescribed by veterianarian
1 Kg of the product contains 100gms of Tylosin phosphate Tylosin Phosphate can prevent cross-resistance problems in poultry. Tylosin Phosphate is primarily active against gram positive bacteria such as Staphylococcus
and Streptococcus species. Tylosin is also active against some gram-negative bacteria (including Campylobacter and Pasteurella species)
1 Kg
25 Kg
In Layers : (50ppm) 500gms per ton of finished feed from point of Lay till 42nd week. (20ppm) 200gms per ton of finished feed from 43rd week till culling.
SALFREE Each Litre Contains:
Enrofloxacin HCL 2.5%
Ciprofloxacin 6%
Colistin Sulphate 0.25%
Saffree is recommended for various poultry diseases like Mycoplasmosis, E.Coli, Coryza. Fowl Cholera, Salmonellosis etc. against all gram positive & gram negative organisms and mixed infections. 100 ml,
500 ml&
1 Ltr.
1 ml./Ltr. of drinking water or as directed by a Veterinarian
CALCIPLEX Each 5ml Contains:
Calcium Gluconate 500 mg
Vitamin D3600 1.0
Choline Chloride 500 mg
Vitamin B1210 mcg
Phosphorus 50 mg
a Retarded growth

  • Leg Weakness
  • Soft Egg Shell

To prevent Cannibalism, Soft and thin shelled eggs and drop in egg production

1 Ltr Poultry:per 100 birds
Chicks : 10 ml
Growers / Broilers : 20 ml Layers : 30-50 ml
Daily in drinking water
LEX E SEL Each ml Contains:
Vitamin E 100 mg
Selenium 0.5 mg
Biotin 80 mg
Base qs
  • To enhance fertility
  • To prevent exudative diathesis
  • To prevent leg weakness
  • To stimulate immunal response
100 ml,
500 ml
1 Ltr
1 ml / 2-3 litre of
drinking water for 3 to 5 consecutive days
AMVIT Each Litre Contains: Vitamin A, Vitamin D3 Vitamin E, Vitamin B, Vitamin 82. Vitamin 86 Vitamin 812,Vitamin K3 D-Panthenol, Biotin

Choline Chloride, Inositol Alanine, Arginine

Aspartic acid, Cysteine Glutamic acid Glycine Histidine, Isoleucine Leucine, Lysine,Methionine Phenylalanine, Proline Serine, Threonine Tryptophane, Thyrosine Valine, Solvents ad

  • To increase feed effeciency
  • To promote growth rate and weight gain in broilers.
  • To reduce nervous disorders
  • To improve egg production
  • To prevent aflatoxicosis To reduce stress
500 ml
1 Ltr.
Poultry Per 100 birds Chicks : 5-6 ml
Growers I Broilers : 8-10 ml Layers . 10-15 mlDaily in drinking water
PROGROWTH Each Powder Contains: Macro Minerals
Micro Minerals
Choline Chloride
Amino Acids
# Poultry, Livestock I Fish
# Helps in faster weight gain.
# Improves good quality of flesh.
# Improves feed conversion ratio (FCR).
# Maintains high and uniform growth.
# Birds resistance to fight against diseases
# Improves absorption of calcium
and phosphorous, Minimizes skeletal
deformities and loose shell condition
# Neutralizes imbalances of Minerals,
Vitamins and Amino Acid
1 Kg
25 Kg
1 kg / ton of feed. 20-30 gms per cattle/day with cattle feed
GROZYME Each gm Contains:
Pepsin 50 mg,
Pancreatin100 mg
Lipase 10 mg,
Cellulase 20 mg
Hemicellulase 5 mg
Amylase 7 mg, Base qs
 In case of inappetance

Incidence of gastroentritis

For improved fibre digestibility

  • For improved protein digestibiligy
  • For extra calorific effect
  • Better feed conversion
 200 gm  0.5 gm 1 gm per litre of drinking water 3.5 days
0.5 gm 1 gm per kg of feed for 3.5 days
 TYLO-DOXIN Each 100 gm Contains:
Doxycycline Hyclate 25%
Tylosin Tartrate 20%
Base qs
Gastrointestinal and respiratory infections caused by tylosin and doxycycline sensitive micro- organisms like Bordetella, Campylobacter, Chlamydia,
E Coli, Haemophilus, Mycoplasma, Pasteurella, Rickettsia, Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus and Treponema spp. in calves, coats, poultry, sheep and swine
 100 gm
500 gm
 Poultry :
100 gm per 100-200 litres drinking water for 3-5 days
Calves, Goats and sheep: Twice daily, 5 gm per
100 kg body weight for 3-5 days
 N-DOX  Each gm Contains:
Doxycycline Hyclate : 15 %
Neomycin Sulphate : 15%
Carrier : qs 1gm
 Gastrointestinal and respiratory infections caused by doxycycline and neomycin sensitive micro-organisms like Bordetella, Campylobacter,Chlamydia, E soli, Haemophilus, Mycoplasma. Pasteurella, Rickettsia, Salmonella, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus spp. in Poultry, Calves, Goat and Sheep  100 gm
500 gm
 Poultry :
1 kg per 1000-2000 litre drinking water
Calves , Goats & Sheep : Twice daily 5 gm per 100 kg body weight for 3-5 days
 LEXAMOX 30%  Each 100 gm contains:
Amoxyallin trihydrate 30 gms
 Gastrointestinal, respiratory and urinary tract infections caused by amoxycillin and colistin sensitive micro- organisms, like Campylobacter, Clostridium, Corynebacterium, E Cob, Erysipeiothrix, Haemophilus, Salmonella, Penicillinase negative Staphylococcus and Streptococcus spp, in calves, goats, poultry, sheep and swine.  100 gm
500 gm
 Poultry :
100 gm per 150-200 litres drinking water for 3-5 days
Calves, goats and sheep: Twice daily 5 gm per 100 kg body weight for 3-5 days
 AMPROL  Each 100 gm Contains:
Amprollium 25%
Vitamin K 150 mg
Zinc 1500 mg
 Works against all species of Eimeria in poultry and domestic animals  100 gm
500 gm
 1 gm / 2-4 Ltr of drinking water for 3-5 days
 CIPLEX  Composition: Ciprofloxacin 10% A mega spectrum antibiotic.
Acts potentially against both gram positive and gram negative organisms and mycoplasma.
 100 ml
500 ml
 1 ml / 2 Ltrs of drinking water for 3-5 days Dosage can be varied according to the instructions of

লেখকঃ ডাঃ তায়ফুর রহমান

ডাঃ তায়ফুর রহমান; ডিভিএম, এম এস, এমপিএইচ ; ন্যাশনাল টেকনিক্যাল এডভাইজার-এপিডেমিওলজি, জাতিসঙ্ঘের কৃষি ও খাদ্য সংস্থা, ঢাকা; ব্লগ এডমিনিষ্ট্রেটর, ভেটসবিডি

এটাও দেখতে পারেন

BetaMax Vet

ঔষধ পরিচিতিঃ BetaMax®Vet

BetaMax® Vet পোল্ট্রিতে স্ট্রেস ম্যাসেজ করার একটি সল্যুশন। এতে ৪৭% বিটেইন (Betain) রয়েছে। অর্থাৎ প্রতি …

৪ মন্তব্য

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