Vaccines for Poultry
Product | Description |
AE+POX | A combination live virus vaccine against Avian Encephalomyelitis and Fowl Pox. For the vaccination of healthy chickens 10 weeks and older. |
ARTVAX | A live bacterial vaccine containing a chemically induced mutant of Bordetella avium. For vaccination of turkeys as an aid in preventing Rhinotracheitis (turkey coryza) caused by Bordetella avium . |
AVA-BRON-H N-63 | A combination Newcastle disease and Infectious Bronchitis vaccine. Contains Newcastle La Sota strain and IB Massachusetts serotype. For the revaccination of healthy chickens 4 weeks of age or older previously vaccinated with mild ND and IB vaccines. |
AVA-POX-CE | A live virus vaccine against Fowl Pox. For the vaccination of healthy chickens and turkeys between 8 and 18 weeks of age. |
AVIMUNE-ARK | A live virus vaccine against Infectious Bronchitis. Contains IB Arkansas serotype. For the vaccination of healthy chickens one day of age or older. |
BROILERBRON B1 | A combination live virus vaccine prepared from a mild Connaught Massachusetts type Infectious Bronchitis virus and a B1 strain Newcastle virus. For vaccination of healthy broilers or initial vaccination of healthy replacement chickens at one day of age or older to prevent IB and ND. |
BROILERBRON-ARK B1 | A combination live virus vaccine against Newcastle disease and Infectious Bronchitis. Contains B1 strain of Newcastle and IB strains Massachusetts and Arkansas. For vaccination of healthy broilers or initial vaccination of healthy replacement chickens one day of age or older. |
BROILERBRON-H N-79 | A combination live virus vaccine against Newcastle disease and Infectious Bronchitis. Contains B1 and La Sota Newcastle strains and IB strain Massachusetts. For vaccination of healthy broilers or initial vaccination of healthy replacement chickens at 2 weeks of age or older. |
BROILERTRAKE-M | A modified live virus vaccine against Infectious Laryngotracheitis. For vaccination of healthy chickens 4 weeks of age or older. |
BURSA-VAC 3 | A live virus vaccine against Infectious Bursal Disease. Contains an intermediate classic IBD strain. For vaccination of healthy chickens at one day of age or older. |
BURSA-VAC 51 | A live virus vaccine containing a carefully selected strain of bursal disease virus grown in chicken embryos and combined with stabilizing agents. For vaccination of healthy chickens 2 weeks of age or older against Infectious Bursal Disease caused by standard and variant bursal disease viruses. |
CLOSTRIDIUM PERFRINGENS TYPE A, TOXOID | A toxoid vaccine for use as an aid in the control of necrotic enteritis caused by the alpha toxin of Clostridium perfringens in the progeny of pullets vaccinated prior to the onset of lay. For vaccination of healthy breeder replacement chickens at 10 to 15 weeks of age with revaccination at 17 to 20 weeks of age. |
COCCIVAC-B | A live coccidiosis vaccine for broilers. Contains live oocysts of Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria mivatti, Eimeria maxima, Eimeria tenella. For vaccination of healthy chickens at one day of age or older. |
COCCIVAC-D | A live coccidiosis vaccine for broiler breeders and layer pullets. Contains live oocysts of E.acervulina, E.mivati, E.maxima, E. tenella, E.necatrix, E.praecox, E.brunetti, E.hagani. |
COCCIVAC-T | A live coccidiosis vaccine for the vaccination of turkeys. Contains live oocysts E. adenoeides, E. meleagrimitis, E. gallopavonis, and E. dispersa. |
ENTEROVAX | A modified live vaccine containing an avian reovirus (tenosynovitus biotype). For use in healthy chickens to aid in the prevention of reovirus induced tenosynovitis (viral arthritis) by spray or drinking water administration. |
LT-IVAX | A modified live virus vaccine against Fowl Laryngotracheitis. For use in chickens four weeks of age or older. |
M-NINEVAX-C | Avirulent live vaccine containing an avian isolate of Pasteurella multocida. For the vaccination of healthy chickens and turkeys as an aid in the prevention of fowl cholera due to P. multocida. |
NEWCASTLE CLONED N-79 | A live virus Newcastle vaccine containing B1 Type, clone-selected LaSota Strain. For revaccination of healthy chickens 2 weeks of age or older, and healthy turkeys 3 weeks of age or older, which have previously received mild Newcastle vaccination. |
NEWCASTLE DISEASE VACCINE N-63 | Live Newcastle virus vaccine containing B1 Type, LaSota Strain. For revaccination of healthy chickens 2 weeks of age or older, which have previously received a mild Newcastle vaccination. |
NOBILIS AE + POX | Live vaccine containing an Avian Encephalomyelitis virus strain and a Fowl Pox virus strain for the immunization of chickens against AE and Fowl Pox infection. |
NOBILIS AE 1143 | Live vaccine containing an Avian Encephalomyelitis virus strain. For immunization of chickens against Avian Encephalomyelitis infection. |
NOBILIS CAV P4 | Live attenuated vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Chicken Anaemia Virus infection. |
NOBILIS COR4+IB+ND+EDS | Inactivated vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Infectious Bronchitis, Newcastle Disease, Egg Drop Syndrome and Infectious Coryza (serotypes A, B, C and B variant). In a water-in-oil emulsion. |
NOBILIS CORVAC | Trivalent inactivated vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Infectious Coryza infection (serotypes A, B and C). In a water-in-oil emulsion. |
NOBILIS CORVAC-4 | The vaccine contains inactivated bacteria of serotypes A, B and C of Haemophilus paragallinarum in a water-in-oil emulsion. The vaccine is for the immunization of chickens against Infectious Coryza caused by Haemophilus paragallinarum infection. |
NOBILIS CORYZA | Trivalent inactivated vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Infectious Coryza infection (serotypes A, B and C). In an aluminium hydroxide gel. |
NOBILIS COX ATM | A live vaccine for the immunization of chickens against coccidiosis. The vaccine contains sporulated oocysts of one strain of Eimeria acervulina (ACA), one strain of Eimeria tenella (ACT) and two strains of Eimeria maxima (ACM and ACVM) in an aqueous suspension. |
NOBILIS DUCK PLAGUE | Live vaccine for the immunization of ducks against Duck Virus Entritis (Duck Plague). |
NOBILIS E. COLI INAC | An inactivated vaccine for the passive immunization of broiler chickens against colibacillosis by vaccination of broiler breeders. The active components are E. coli fimbrial antigen (F11) and E. coli flagellar antigen (FT) in a water-in-oil emulsion. |
NOBILIS EDS | Inactivated vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Egg Drop Syndrome ’76 in a water-in-oil emulsion. |
NOBILIS ERYSIPELAS | Inactivated vaccine against Erysipelas in Turkeys in a oil-in-water emulsion. |
NOBILIS G + ND | Inactivated combined vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Gumboro Disease (Infectious Bursal Disease) and Newcastle Disease in a water-in-oil emulsion. |
NOBILIS G + ND + EDS | Inactivated combined vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Gumboro Disease (Infectious Bursal Disease), Newcastle Disease and Egg Drop Syndrome ’76 in a water-in-oil emulsion. |
NOBILIS GUMBORO 228E | Live vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Infectious Bursal Disease (Gumboro). |
NOBILIS GUMBORO BROILER | A live vaccine for the immunization of broilers and pullets and for the primary vaccination of future breeding stock against Infectious Bursal Disease. The vaccine contains Infectious Bursal Disease virus strain 228 TC. |
NOBILIS GUMBORO D78 | Live vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Infectious Bursal Disease (Gumboro). |
NOBILIS GUMBORO INAC | Inactivated vaccine for the of chickens to protect offspring against Gumboro Disease (Infectious Bursal Disease) in a water-in-oil emulsion. |
NOBILIS IB + G + ND | An inactivated combined vaccine for the immunization of breeding chickens against Infectious Bronchitis (serotype Massachusetts), Gumboro Disease (Infectious Bursal Disease) and Newcastle Disease to convey passive immunity to offspring. The active components are IB strain M41, Gumboro strain D78 and ND Clone 30 in a water-in-oil emulsion. |
NOBILIS IB + ND | inactivated combined vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Infectious Bronchitis (serotype Massachusetts) and Newcastle Disease in a water-in-oil emulsion. |
NOBILIS IB + ND + EDS | Inactivated combined vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Infectious Bronchitis (serotype Massachusetts and D207/strain D274 and related strains), Newcastle Disease and Egg Drop Syndrome ‘76 in a water-in-oil emulsion. |
NOBILIS IB 4/91 | Live vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Infectious Bronchitis. |
NOBILIS IB D274 | A live vaccine for the immunization of future layer and breeder chickens against Infectious Bronchitis serotype D207. |
NOBILIS IB H120 | Live vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Infectious Bronchitis. |
NOBILIS IB MA5 | Live vaccine for the immunization of chickens against against Infectious Bronchitis serotype Massachusetts. |
NOBILIS IB MULTI + G + ND | Inactivated combined vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Infectious Bronchitis (serotype Massachusetts and D207/ strain D274 and related strains), Gumboro Disease (Infectious Bursal Disease) and Newcastle Disease in a water-in-oil emulsion. |
NOBILIS IB MULTI + ND | Inactivated combined vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Infectious Bronchitis (serotypes Massachusetts and D207/ strain D274 and related strains) and Newcastle Disease in a water-in-oil emulsion. |
NOBILIS IB MULTI + ND + EDS | Inactivated combined vaccine for the chickens against Infectious Bronchitis (serotype Massachusetts and D207/ strain D274 and related strains), Newcastle Disease and Egg Drop Syndrome ’76 in a water-in-oil emulsion. |
NOBILIS IB3 + G + ND | Inactivated combined vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Infectious Bronchitis (serotype Massachusetts, D207/ strain D274, D212/ stain D1466 and related strains), Gumboro Disease (Infectious Bursal Disease) and Newcastle Disease in a water-in-oil emulsion. |
NOBILIS IB3 + ND | Inactivated combined vaccine for the immunization chickens against Infectious Bronchitis (serotype Massachusetts, D207/ strain D274, D212/ strain D1466 and related strains) and Newcastle Disease in a water-in-oil emulsion. |
NOBILIS ILT | Live vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Infectious Laryngotracheitis. |
NOBILIS INFLUENZA H5N2 | Inactivated vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Avian Influenza virus type A, subtype H5 in a water in oil emulsion. |
NOBILIS INFLUENZA H9N2 | Inactivated vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Avian Influenza virus type A, subtype H9 in a water in oil emulsion. |
NOBILIS MA5 + CLONE 30 | A live vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Infectious Bronchitis serotype Massachusetts (strain Ma5) and Newcastle Disease (strain Clone 30). Active components are IB strain Ma5 and ND strain Clone 30. |
NOBILIS MA5 + HITCHNER | Live vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Infectious Bronchitis and Newcastle Disease. |
NOBILIS MAREK THV LYO | Live freeze dried vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Marek’s Disease based on the Turkey Herpes Virus (THV). |
NOBILIS MAREXINE CA126 | Live vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Marek’s Disease, vaccine based on the Turkey Herpes Virus (THV). |
NOBILIS MAREXINE CA126 + SB1 | Live vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Marek’s Disease, based on the Turkey Herpes Virus and SB1 strain. |
NOBILIS MG 6/85 | Live vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Mycoplasma gallisepticum. |
NOBILIS MG INAC | Inactivated vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Mycoplasma gallisepticum infection in a water-in-oil emulsion. |
NOBILIS ND + EDS | Inactivated combined vaccine for the immunization of breeder chickens against Newcastle Disease and Egg Drop Syndrome ’76 in a water-in-oil emulsion. |
NOBILIS ND BROILER | Inactivated vaccine for the immunization of day-old chicks against Newcastle Disease in a water-in-oil emulsion. |
NOBILIS ND C2 | Live vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Newcastle Disease. |
NOBILIS ND CLONE 30 | A live vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Newcastle Disease. |
NOBILIS ND HITCHNER | Live vaccine for immunization of chickens against Newcastle Disease. |
NOBILIS ND LASOTA | Live vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Newcastle Disease. |
NOBILIS NEWCAVAC | Inactivated vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Newcastle Disease in a water-in-oil emulsion. |
NOBILIS OR INAC | An inactivated vaccine for the immunization of breeder chickens against Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale serotype A to confer passive immunity to progeny in a water-in-oil emulsion. |
NOBILIS OVO-DIPHTHERIN | Live vaccine for immunization of chickens against Fowl Pox. |
NOBILIS PARAMYXO P201 | Inactivated vaccine for the immunization of pigeons against Paramyxovirus Disease in a water-in-oil emulsion. |
NOBILIS REO + IB + G + ND | Combined inactivated vaccine for the immunization against Avian Reovirus infections, Infectious Bronchitis (Massachusetts type), Infectious Bursal Disease and Newcastle Disease in chickens in a water-in-oil emulsion. |
NOBILIS REO 1133 | Live vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Reovirus infections. |
NOBILIS REO 2177 | Live vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Reovirus infectios, which can be given simultaneously with Marek’s vaccines. |
NOBILIS REO INAC | Inactivated vaccine for the immunization of breeding stock chickens against Avian Reovirus to protect their offspring in a water-in-oil emulsion. |
NOBILIS RHINO CV | Live vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Avian Rhinotracheitis caused by Avian Pneumovirus infections. |
NOBILIS RISMAVAC | Live vaccine for the vaccination of chickens against very virulent Marek Disease challenge. |
NOBILIS RISMAVAC + CA126 | Live vaccine for the immunization of chickens against very virulent Marek Disease challenge, containing both Turkey Herpes Virus strain and the Rispens strain. |
NOBILIS RT + IB MULTI + G + ND | Combined inactivated vaccine for the immunization of breeder and layer chickens against Infectious Bronchitis (serotype Massachusetts and D207 (strain D274 and related strains)) and against Newcastle Disease, Infectious Bursal Disease and Avian Pneumovirus in a water-in-oil emulsion. |
NOBILIS RT + ND | Combined inactivated vaccine for the immunization of breeder and layer chickens against Newcastle Disease and Avian Pneumovirus in a water-in-oil emulsion. |
NOBILIS RT INAC | Inactivated vaccine for the immunization of layer chickens against Avian Pneumovirus virus infection in a water-in-oil emulsion. |
NOBILIS RT+IBMULTI+ND+EDS | Combined inactivated vaccine for the vaccination of breeder and layer chickens against Avian Pneumovirus, Infectious Bronchitis (serotype Massachusetts and D207 (strain D274 and related strains)), Newcastle Disease and Egg Drop Syndrome in a water-in-oil emulsion. |
NOBILIS RTV 8544 | Live vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Avian Rhinotracheitis caused by Avian Pneumovirus infections. |
NOBILIS SALENVAC | Inactivated vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Salmonella enteritidis. The vaccine is grown under conditions of iron restriction and has an aluminium hydroxide adjuvant. |
NOBILIS SALENVAC T | Inactivated vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella typhimurium. The vaccine is grown under conditions of iron restriction and has an aluminium hydroxide adjuvant. |
NOBILIS SG 9R | Live vaccine for the immunization of chickens against infections caused by Salmonella gallinarum. |
NOBILIS TRT | Live vaccine for the immunization of turkeys against Turkey Rhinotracheitis caused by an Avian Pneumovirus. |
NOBILIS TRT + ND | A combined inactivated vaccine for the immunization of turkeys against Newcastle Disease and Turkey Rhinotracheitis (caused by Avian Metapneumovirus) in a water-in-oil emulsion. |
NOBILIS TRT INAC | Inactivated vaccine for the vaccination of chickens against Avian Influenza virus type A, subtype H5 in a water in oil emulsion to enhance immunity. |
ORALVAX HE | A live virus vaccine containing a turkey avirulent Type II avian adenovirus of pheasant origin recommended for use in healthy turkeys 6 weeks of age or older as an aid in the prevention of hemorrhagic enteritis through vaccination by the drinking water method. |
PIGEON | A live virus vaccine prepared from a strain of Pigeon Pox Virus. For the vaccination of healthy broilers and roasters by the wing web method at four weeks of age against Fowl Pox. |
PM-ONEVAX | Avirulent live vaccine containing an avian isolate of Pasteurella multocida, PM-1 strain, Heddleston Type 3 x 4. For vaccinating healthy breeder and market turkeys 6 weeks of age or older as an aid in prevention of fowl cholera due to P. multocida. |
PM-ONEVAX-C | Avirulent live vaccine containing an avian isolate of Pasteurella multocida, PM-1 strain, Heddleston Type 3 x 4. For the vaccination of healthy chickens and turkeys as an aid in the prevention of fowl cholera due to P. multocida. |
POLYBRON B1 | A live virus vaccine containing strains of Infectious Bronchitis viruses of Mass. and Conn. types and the B1 strain of Newcastle virus. For initial vaccination of chickens at 4 weeks of age by intraocular or drinking water methods of application. |
SHOR-BRON-D | Modified live Infectious Bronchitis virus vaccine. Contains IB strain Delaware Type, 072 Strain. For vaccination of healthy chickens 2 weeks of age or older. |
TENO-VAXIN | Live tenosynovitis vaccine containing reovirus strain S-1133. For vaccination of healthy chickens 10 to 17 weeks of age as an aid in control and prevention of reovirus-induced tenosynovitis (viral arthritis) in broiler breeders. |
TRACHIVAX | Modified live Fowl Laryngotracheitis Vaccine. For vaccination and revaccination of chickens by eyedrop method. |
UNIVAX PLUS | Live Bursal Disease vaccine. Contains two strains of Bursal Disease virus. For the vaccination of chickens one day of age by subcutaneous route of administration or by drinking water at 2 weeks or older. |
UNIVAX-BD | Live Infectious Bursal Disease vaccine. For use in 18 to 19 day old embryonated chicken eggs or chickens at 1 day of age by subcutaneous route of administration and by drinking water at 1 week or older. |
I need vaccine in big quantities please advice
dear sir
please send your email so i can send you my list of vacsines i need big quntites
Mg 6/85 Kotha pabo
Salenvac t vaccine ta kothai pabo?