The planning based on cost involved as well as return. Two types of costs are involved
A) Fixed Cost
B) Recurrent cost
A) Fixed cost involves with the following:
a) Land: We assume that we have land.
b) Buildings:
i) Layer shed: 2.5 sq.ft per bird is required. Per sq.ft @ 150. Total cost for layer shed
(1000 x 2.5 x Tk 150) = 3, 75,000 Tk
ii) Office room: (10’ x 10’) =100sq.ft @250 Tk/ Sq.ft = 100 x 250 = Tk. 25,000
iii) Store room: (12’ x 10’) = 120 sq.ft @ Tk 200/sq.ft = 120 x 200 = Tk. 24,000
iv) Toilet Room: ( 5’ x 5’) = 25 sq.ft @ Tk 120/Sq.ft = 25 x 120 = Tk. 3000
v) Water Tank: = Tk. 12,000
Total Building cost: Tk. 4, 39,000
c) Equipments and machineries:
i) Feeder: For 25 birds 1 feeder @ 40 Tk. = 40 x 40= 1600 Tk.
ii) Waterer: 1.5 times more than feeder @ 40 Tk = 60 x 40= 2400 Tk
iii) Thermometer: 100 Tk.
iv) Motor with pump: 7,000 Tk.
Sub Total = 11,100 Tk.
B) Recurring Expenditure:
a) Pullet (20 week aged) @ 400 Tk = 1000 x 400 = 4, 00000
b) Feed: 0.115 kg x 1000 x 365 x 33 Tk/ kg = 13,85,175
c) Labour: 4000 Tk/month for 14 month = 56,000
d) Litter: 80 bags @ 60 Tk / bag = 4,800
e) Vaccine: = 6,000
f) Premises: = 10,000
g) Medication: = 2,000
h) Disinfection: = 1,500
i) Electricity: = 6,000
j) Egg Case: = 1,800
k) Miscellaneous: = 5,000
Total Recurrent Cost: Tk. 18,78,275
C) Depreciation Cost:
i) 2% for building: 8,780
ii) 20% for equipments: 2,220
Subtotal: Tk. 11,000
D) Return:
i) Egg: 300 x 1000 x 6.5 Tk = Tk. 19, 50,000
ii) Rejected Hen: 2 kg @ 100 Tk/ kg= 2 x 1000 x 100 = 2,00000
iii) Manure: 1000 x 20 = 20,000
Total Gross Income : Tk. 21,70,000
Profit/ Net income per year=Return – ( Recurrent cost + Depreciation cost)
= 21,70,000 – ( 18,78,275 + 11,000)
= 21,70,000 – 18,89,275
= 2,80,725