A project plan for 1000 Commercial Layer Birds

layer shed


The planning based on cost involved as well as return. Two types of costs are involved

A) Fixed Cost

B) Recurrent cost

A) Fixed cost involves with the following:

a) Land: We assume that we have land.

b) Buildings:

i)  Layer shed:  2.5 sq.ft per bird is required. Per sq.ft @ 150. Total cost for layer shed

(1000 x 2.5 x  Tk 150) = 3, 75,000 Tk

ii) Office room:  (10’ x 10’) =100sq.ft @250 Tk/ Sq.ft = 100 x 250 =   Tk. 25,000

iii)  Store room: (12’ x 10’) = 120 sq.ft @ Tk 200/sq.ft = 120 x 200 = Tk. 24,000

iv) Toilet Room: ( 5’ x 5’) = 25 sq.ft @ Tk 120/Sq.ft = 25 x 120 =  Tk. 3000

v) Water Tank:                                                                            = Tk. 12,000

Total Building cost:  Tk.   4, 39,000

c) Equipments and machineries:

i)  Feeder:  For 25 birds 1 feeder @ 40 Tk. = 40 x 40= 1600 Tk.

ii) Waterer: 1.5 times more than feeder @ 40 Tk = 60 x 40= 2400 Tk

iii) Thermometer:   100 Tk.

iv) Motor with pump: 7,000 Tk.

Sub Total = 11,100 Tk.


B) Recurring Expenditure:

a) Pullet (20 week aged) @ 400 Tk = 1000 x 400 = 4, 00000

b) Feed: 0.115 kg x 1000 x 365 x 33 Tk/ kg         = 13,85,175

c) Labour: 4000 Tk/month for 14 month              = 56,000

d) Litter: 80 bags @ 60 Tk / bag                            = 4,800

e)  Vaccine:                                                            = 6,000

f) Premises:                                                           = 10,000

g) Medication:                                                       = 2,000

h) Disinfection:                                                       = 1,500

i) Electricity:                                                           = 6,000

j) Egg Case:                                                            = 1,800

k) Miscellaneous:                                                    = 5,000

Total Recurrent Cost:                                     Tk.  18,78,275


C) Depreciation Cost:

i) 2% for building:    8,780

ii) 20% for equipments: 2,220

Subtotal:  Tk.  11,000


D) Return:

i) Egg: 300 x 1000 x 6.5 Tk = Tk. 19, 50,000

ii)  Rejected Hen: 2 kg @ 100 Tk/ kg= 2 x 1000 x 100 = 2,00000

iii) Manure: 1000 x 20                                                   = 20,000

Total Gross Income :   Tk.  21,70,000


Profit/ Net income per year=Return – ( Recurrent cost + Depreciation cost)money

=  21,70,000 – ( 18,78,275 + 11,000)

= 21,70,000 – 18,89,275

= 2,80,725




লেখকঃ ডা: আবুল হাসনাত মোহাম্মদ সাইদুল হক

আবুল হাসনাত মোঃ সাইদুল হক, ডিভিএম।

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