In 2008 the World Veterinary Association (WVA) and the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) agreed on the creation of the World Veterinary Day Award aimed at rewarding the most successful celebration of the contribution of the veterinary profession to society. Like previous years, in 2014 WVA and OIE will awarding the most successful celebrator of the day. The competition is open to all WVA veterinary associations, alone, or in cooperation with any other selected veterinary body.

The winner of the 2014 World Veterinary Day Award will be invited to the OIE 82nd General Session of the World Assembly of National Delegates to be held in Paris, France on 25 May 2014 where he/she will receive the WVD 2014 Award and a price of 1000 US$.

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লেখকঃ ডাঃ তায়ফুর রহমান

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এটাও দেখতে পারেন

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