Secrets to Successful Broiler Breeder Management.

7 Secrets to Successful Broiler Breeder Management

  1. Weigh your birds. Weighing as many birds as possible gives you a close-to-accurate idea of the mean flock weight.
  2. Ensure flock uniformity. Flock uniformity is affected by initial chick weight and quality, flock competition for resources, strain and aggressiveness.
  3. Stay away from high nutrient density diets. A simple way to remember how much feed should be provided for the birds is by monitoring the feeders.
  4. Regulate feed intake. To regulate feed intake, try giving the birds feed in small daily increments instead of a big weekly increase.
  5. Keep pullets at minimum threshold weight. Delaying photo stimulation of  birds   can   increase uniformity of the birds compared to lighting underweight birds earlier.
  6. Manage post-peak feed withdrawal. The more a producer knows about his certain flock, the more information he has in making the decision on when to take away the feed.
  7. Be in charge of your flock Keeping records of data about the flock and farm can be a huge help to producers in managing the farm.

লেখকঃ ডা.মু. সাইদুজ্জামান(পলাশ)

Regional Sales Manager,Century Agro Ltd;Ex-Area Executive,ACI Godrej,Ex-Farm Executive,Kazi Farms Group;Ex-Manager(Technical);Prime Care&Krishi Pannya Feed;Ex-Livestock Officer,RDRS Bangladesh(CLP),Ex-Trainer,UDDIPON;DVM from BAU , Present address:Santinagar,Joypurhat. Permanent address: Islambag (chini masjid); saidpur; nilphamari, E-mail:, Cell phone-01755635268&01190909775

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