e-Veterinary: Role of Webvets in Genomed

Genomed basically would provide reproductive services where AI (and some cases ET) is the main product and service. Genomed will utilize foreign semen and embryo to do selective breeding to eligible cows (as per govt. breeding policy). This service is completely supervised by veterinarians but not by any others. Realistically, a farmer always have problems in his farm and seeks help from the service providers (AI tech). Under Genomed we want to make sure that any advice to farm/farmer must be made by a qualified veterinarian but not by any para professional (no need to mention the titles). All the service provided by Genomed personnel must be recorded online including cow production records (for selection and breed development). As such, a technician who we call Webvets’ Aide will be provided with an internet enabled smart phone loaded with required data recording apps so he can instantly submit digital record (text, image, video) to the supervising Webvets (veterinarians) who is sitting in a remote location. He (vet) will also use smart phone, computer or any portable device for text, image, voice, and/or video to provide real time help/advice and recording of the event. Because of the use of internet all the info will be synch immediately in the central database. A special software is used for this.

As we know, in the veterinary world there is no alternative for veterinarians to attend the animals. Therefore, Genomed expect that our Webvets will spend about 50% time onsite and 50% time offsite. Practically, offsite services are the follow up type veterinary services or primary care advices that is non-invasive in nature. For offsite services the vets can practically reside anywhere in the world. That why call him Webvet.

Webvet must recognize the hierarchy of the govt vets and must not interfere in the places where another veterinarian is involve, unless the fellow veterinarian seek any help from him. The Webvet and his people (Vet Aide) carefully avoid the other veterinarians’ territory and mainly provide services where there is no veterinary services are available or no Foreign semen is available for eligible cows. As stated, webvtes mainly provide non-invasive veterinary preventive, productive and reproductive services so when feels necessary he must refer the eligible sick animals to nearest vet clinics.

So yes, it is true a Webvet will not do everything that a field veterinarian would do. They are more like Repro-adviser with veterinary coverage.

লেখকঃ ডক্টর আজিজ সিদ্দিকী

Dr. Aziz Siddiqui, DVM, MS (Vet Obs), PhD is a Scientist in the University of Wisconsin-School of Veterinary Medicine, USA. He is a graduate of Bangladesh Agricultural University and received pre-doctoral and post-doctoral training on animal reproduction from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. Previously Dr. Aziz worked in Bangladesh Agricultural University, Department of Livestock Services-Bangladesh, and in Eutheria Foundation and Accelerated Genetics in USA. For last 16 years Dr. Aziz has been involved in animal reproduction research. (Profile created in July 2012). Email: azizsiddiqui@gmail.com, Ph: +1 (608) 433-4172

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