মুরগির ডিমের গঠন-উপাদান

Composition of the chicken egg

The physical composition on the avian egg can be seen in Table 1, below. The yolk accounts for 32-35%, the albumen 52-58% and the shell accounts for only 9-14% of the total egg components.

Table 1. Nutrient composition of the egg (%)

Egg components
Nutrient Albumen Yolk
Protein 9.7 – 10.6 15.7 – 16.6
Lipid 0.03 31.8 – 35.5
Carbohydrate 0.4 – 0.9 0.2 – 1.0
Water 84.3 – 88.8 48
Sulphur 0.195 0.016
Potassium 0.145 – 0.167 0.112 – 0.360
Sodium 0.161 – 0.169 0.070 – 0.093
Phosphorus 0.018 0.543 – 0.980
Calcium 0.008 – 0.02 0.121 – 0.262
Magnesium 0.009 0.032 – 0.128
Iron 0.0009 0.0053 – 0.011

Adapted from Li-Chan, ECY, Powrie, WD and Nakai, S (1995) The chemistry of eggs and egg products, In Egg Science and Technology, WJ Stadelman and OJ Cotterill (Eds), The Haworth Press Inc, New York.


Table 2. Lipid composition of the egg yolk

Lipid Composition %
Triglycerides 63
Phospholipids 31
Cholesterol 4
Other (including fat soluble vitamins) 2
Fatty Acid Composition %
Saturated fatty acids 35 – 45
Unsaturated fatty acids 55 – 65
Monounsaturated fatty acids 35 – 50
Linoleic acid 10 – 20
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 3 – 5

Adapted from Larbier, M and Leclercq, B (1994) Nutrition and feeding of poultry, Nottingham University Press, Nottingham.

Table 3. Protein composition of the egg albumen

Principal Protein Content %
Ovalbumin 55
Covalbumin 13
Ovomucoids 11
Ovoglobulin 8.5
Lysozyme 3.7
Ovomucins 1.5
Flavoprotein 0.8
Avidin 0.05

Adapted from Larbier, M and Leclercq, B (1994) Nutrition and feeding of poultry, Nottingham University Press, Nottingham.


Table 4. Elemental composition of the eggshell

Element / Compound %
Calcium carbonate 98.2
Magnesium 0.9
Phosphorus (phosphate) 0.9

Adapted from Romanoff, AL and Romanoff, AJ (1949) The Avian Egg, John Wiley and Sons, New York.

লেখকঃ ডা.মু. সাইদুজ্জামান(পলাশ)

Regional Sales Manager,Century Agro Ltd;Ex-Area Executive,ACI Godrej,Ex-Farm Executive,Kazi Farms Group;Ex-Manager(Technical);Prime Care&Krishi Pannya Feed;Ex-Livestock Officer,RDRS Bangladesh(CLP),Ex-Trainer,UDDIPON;DVM from BAU , Present address:Santinagar,Joypurhat. Permanent address: Islambag (chini masjid); saidpur; nilphamari, E-mail: tasaidvm81@gmail.com, Cell phone-01755635268&01190909775

এটাও দেখতে পারেন

What heat stress does in poultry

যে ৪ উপায়ে বিটেইন (Betain) হিট স্ট্রেস মোকাবিলায় কাজ করে

হিট স্ট্রেস (heat stress) গবাদিপশু ও পোল্ট্রি খামারের জন্য একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ সমস্যা, যা ওজন কমায়, …

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