OPTOMEGA-50 the Omega-3 for Poultry and Cattle in Bangladesh

OPTOMEGA-50 is the feed additive manufactured and exported by the British company OPTIVITE (www.optivite.co.uk), concern of ANPARIO Group, to provide Omega-3 in the animal feed. Jims Animal Health Limited introduced this sort of product in Bangladesh market to provide Omega-3 in poultry which will be transmitted to eggs and poultry meat to ensure good quality healthy end products for human consumption.

Since the major available raw materials for poultry of Bangladesh is of plant origin, Omega-6 is dominating in the Poultry feeds. That means lack of Omega-3 in poultry feed reducing the overall performance of the bird especially the breeders and layers. Addition of OPTOMEGA-50 (Derived from Salmon Oil) to feed will increase the presence of Omega-3 in feed and it will balance the Ogega-6 and Omega-3 in Poultry feed which will improve the performance of bird.

OPTOMEGA-50 also improves the performance of lactating cow and beef fattening. Use of 50-100 gm/day/head of OPTOMEGA-50 will improve the effeciency of the cattle remarkably.

For further information, please contact us:


Cell # 017 4747 3000

লেখকঃ morshed

I have graduated from Bangladesh Agricultural Institute (Now She-E-Bangla Agricultural University), Dhaka, under Bangladesh Agricultural University in 1986 Batch. Since 1995 I am working with the livestock and poultry sector of Bangladesh as an entrepreneur dealing in animal health products. As a founder Treasurer of World's Poultry Science Association-Bangladesh Branch (WPSA-BB), later Vice-President and 1st elected Secretary General of Animal Health Companies Association of Bangladesh (AHCAB) I got the opportunities to involve in lots of government's policy making issues like Feed Act, Poultry Policy, National Livestock Policy, etc., I was one of the dreamer of International Poultry Show in Bangladesh which is taking place since 1999. I was the Convener of 4th International Poultry Show and Sminer, 2005. At this moment I am the Managing Director of Axil Limited and Chairman of Jims Animal Health Limited.

এটাও দেখতে পারেন

BetaMax Vet

ঔষধ পরিচিতিঃ BetaMax®Vet

BetaMax® Vet পোল্ট্রিতে স্ট্রেস ম্যাসেজ করার একটি সল্যুশন। এতে ৪৭% বিটেইন (Betain) রয়েছে। অর্থাৎ প্রতি …

২ মন্তব্য

  1. ডাঃ মোহাম্মদ সরোয়ার জাহান

    Thank you sir, I hope if the article is in Bengali language, it is nice to understand the theme of the article for general peoples. and this site is also a bangla blog. I think you read my article on current havoc of poultry industry, in my article i have wanted to say about the poultry industry for saving our nation.

  2. ডাঃ কাজী আশরাফুল ইসলাম

    আপনার আর্টিকেলটি ভালই হয়েছে। তবে বাংলায় লিখলে আরও ভাল হত। আর আগে ওমেগা ফ্যাটি এসিডের বর্ণনা দিয়ে পরে আপনার প্রডাক্টের পরিচিতি তুলে ধরলে আরও অনেক বেশি ভাল হত। তবে এ ধরনের একটা প্রডাক্ট আপনার কোম্পানির আছে জেনে ভাল লাগল। আশা করি এ ধরনের আপডেটেড প্রডাক্ট আমরা আরও বেশি বেশি পাব।

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