আমার লেয়ার খামারে কিছু সমস্যা দেখা দিয়েছে ————-
১।মুরগির বয়স প্রায় ৭ মাস তবু মাত্র ৪০% ডিম পাড়ে ।
hatachary – kazi farms ltd.
strain – hyline brown
উল্লেখ্য খামারে salmonella দেখা দিয়েছিল
parasitic infestation এর জন্য কিছু মারা গিয়েছিল , প্রায় ১ /২ টা করে মারা যেত ।
এখন আমি ডিম প্রডাকশন বাড়ানোর জন্য কি করব ? এই সমস্যা কেন হয় ???????
Dear pappu,
I have seen your mail. You want to increase the egg production of your layer farm. We distribute a german Phytogenic growth promoter namely Sangrovit WS for birds which increases the water and feed intake of birds and helps absorption of nutrients contained in feed. As a result most of the trials in layer farms shows that a stable increase of egg production also. Sangrovit helps to control Salmonella and E coli and ensure drier litter. Please remember prevention is better than cure. So you can try Sangrovit to see if you can increase the egg production. Pappu please note that Sangrovit is a LONG SONG. If you allow me I can give you more details on Sangrovit, meantime please visit http://www.phytobiotics.com.
mahbub Hossain
Integrated Agri nutrition Ad
ধন্যবাদ মাহাবুব ভাই , আপনি বিস্তারিত আমাকে জানান।
Dear Pappu, You have mentioned the hatchery is Kazi Farms and The strain is isa, for your information Kazi Farms have only Hyline brown and white, So you 1st confirm the strain, managemental history, feeds, Farms conditions and water conditions, then you can apply sangrovit ws as per company directions after the solution of other factors. Thank you.
Dear pappu,
I will post you more details soon on Sangrovit WS . Thanks Sorwar Bhai. Let us share knowledge with Pappu so that he can share with his other friends. Pappu you must ensure that your flock has no fatty liver syndrom. Remember that liver is an organ which controls distribution of nutrients in the body of birds. also please ensure feed is formulated by a qualified Nutritionist . Regards. Mahbub
sorry vai , strain ta hyline brown,
we feed our own formulated ration .
managemental process is good .
মুরগির গড় ওজন কত ?